BMR Initiatives Towards Net
Zero Emission
BMR Commitment to Sustainability
Low Energy & Carbon Intensity
We offer low carbon emission technology (Heap Leach) to produce Battery Grade Nickel Sulphate. Currently, Our process emits 16 t.CO2/t.Ni lower if compared to RKEF Ì´50 t.CO2/t.Ni
Zero Waste
We use green technology. Our spent ore is categorized as non-hazardous waste and suitable for plantation purposes. The spent ore samples have passed the TCLP and toxicity test.
Water Conservation
We conservate the usage of water in our plant by processing the effluent through desalination process to produce Raw Water for plant operation.
Converting Liabilities to Opportunity
We innovate to convert Liabilities to valuable product, Magnesium Derivative Products which also greener than common products in the market.
Low Energy Nickel Processing
Heap Leach Technology Posses’ Low Energy Consumption
Hydrometallurgy Process posses' low energy consumption. Heap leach offer even lower energy consumption from commonly used technology (HPAL). BMR Heap Leach technology also emits 16 t.CO2/t.Ni makes our product categorized as “Clean Nickel” (<20 t.CO2/t.Ni).
Our Plan to Use around 90% Green Energy
Carbon Footprints Reduction Plan
BMR has several plans to reduce its carbon footprints:
Convert Fuel Diesel Generator to Solar Cell
Our 20 hectares heap leaching roof can install 16 MWp of solar cell and generate up to 3 MW electricity.
LNG Burner for Ore Drying System
gas offered a 10–20% reduction in GHG emissions by comparison with diesel.
Our Plans in Reducing the Carbon Footprint
Convert Reject Water into Valuable Product
Desalination Reject
Desalination Reject
Our Magnesium Product
Our proposed process for magnesium sulphate production is expected to be 80% less carbon intensive compared to traditional magnesite route applied by majority of Chinese producers
We Innovate to Convert Liabilities into Opportunity
BMR has several plans to reduce its carbon footprints: